Frequently Asked Questions
Learn about deposits, gas rates, and more in these FAQ.
How much does it cost to get my gas turned on?
There are several answers depending on customer classification; the most typical situations are the following: Please visit Meter Connection and Reconnection Fees for more information.
- If you do not currently have natural gas and require a new service, there is a $75.00 connect fee. The tap fee is free for the first 200 ft. of service line. Anything over 200ft. will be billed at $4.00 per ft.
- If you are the homeowner you will be required to pay a $75.00 connect fee.
- Customers who do not own their residences are required to pay a $200 deposit and a $75 connection fee.
Deposits may be greater than $200 based on each customer’s account history
Is the deposit refundable? If so, when will I get this back?
Yes, it is refundable for residential customers and may be returned to you after 36 consecutive months of payments have been received with no late fees, penalties or returned checks accrued.
How much does it cost to get my gas turned back on?
If you have been turned off for non-payment, you will be required to pay all outstanding amounts due in your name, a re-connect fee, and a deposit which is a minimum of $200 and could be much greater.
How many days do I have to pay my bill?
Your natural gas bill is Due upon Receipt and the Amount Due Now is indicated on the bill. For convenience, customers have fifteen (15) days before the bill is Past Due. The Past Due Amount and Date are indicated on the bill. To avoid interruption of service payment must be received in our office by the Past Due Date. Failure to receive your bill does not release you from your payment obligation. If you have difficulties meeting this obligation, please contact our office at 931-455-9311 or 931-967-2110.
Can you run my returned check back through a second time?
Unfortunately, no. More often than not the bank will not allow us to do this even if we wanted to. To avoid interruption of service, the NSF check must be paid with cash, money order or any major credit card at any of our three locations. A returned check fee of $30 will be charged and must be paid as well. This helps us recover the charges from some of the banks.
Can you automatically charge my credit card each month?
Does ERPUD accept online payments?
Do you offer budget billing?
Yes! The District offers a Budget Billing Plan to its residential customers. To be eligible for the Budget Billing Plan, customers must have had natural gas service with the district for at least one year and be approved by management. The monthly payment amounts are determined based on an annual consumption of natural gas at the customer's address, with consideration given to variations in weather and normal rate adjustments. The Budget Billing Plan will be reviewed periodically to determine if an adjustment to the monthly payment amount is necessary. A 30 day written notice to the customer will be given if a revision to the monthly payment amount is necessary. Participation in the program may be cancelled due to the following:
- Applicant's failure to make established payments by the due date
- Applicant's option for termination
- Applicant's failure to meet the Budget Billing Plan agreement
Termination of natural gas service at the customer's address.
Can I sign up for bank draft?
Yes, please stop by any of our three locations and simply complete the necessary paperwork and be sure to bring a voided check (sorry, a deposit slip will not be sufficient). You can access the appropriate form by clicking here.
I’m working on my budget and need info on the pricing for the coming year can you give me that information?
ERPUD has no control over the unregulated price of natural gas at the wellhead. As with any other unregulated commodity, the cost of natural gas is affected by many factors including supply, demand, production, storage, weather, and competing energy sources.
Can you tell me the current gas rate?
ERPUD natural gas rates vary by customer class. Please refer to the published rate sheet in effect at the time of your inquiry. It is available for review here, Natural Gas Rates.
What is the Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA)?
The Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA), also known as the Gas Cost Adjustment (GCA), is a mechanism that permits jurisdictional natural gas distribution utilities to regularly adjust the price of natural gas supplied to consumers to reflect the utility’s cost of purchasing that gas and transporting it via pipeline to their system.
Why is the PGA necessary?
By federal law, the wholesale price of natural gas is unregulated and fluctuates with market conditions. The PGA enables utilities to adjust on a regular basis the amount they charge their customers to reflect the actual cost of the gas used by those customers. Without the PGA, natural gas distribution companies would have to adjust their base rates much more frequently and those adjustments would be much greater.
When will my yard be repaired?
After a main or service line is installed, you can rest assured that you will see us again! Weather permitting, we will return within 4 to 6 weeks to perform clean up and restoration of any areas affected by the installation of natural gas lines. Should further settle occur, please feel free to notify us and we’ll gladly return!
Will my gas dryer use the same venting as my electric dryer?
It depends on what you currently have, the vent can be 4” flexible metal, or rigid metal that has the joints taped or riveted, not sheet metal screws. Always refer to your owner’s manual or call a service technician to be sure.
I need to use a bug bomb and the can/container says to extinguish all flames, does this include my pilot lights on my heaters?
Yes! If the container says to extinguish all open flames, this MUST be done! Always use caution when using a flammable substance and follow all directions on the use of that product!
Can I put logs in my Ben Franklin/wood burning stove?
No, as a rule there is not enough ventilation for this request and can void your warranty.
What size pipe do I need in my home?
There are several possible answers to this question. Different answers can be given depending on the length of pipe needed vs amount of gas going to be used, etc. Please call our Tullahoma office for further information.
Am I entitled to the rebate or does the builder of my home get the rebate on the merchandise purchased from ERPUD?
Rebates are issued to the person or persons that apply for the work to be done. Generally, the contractors will signup for the new construction of the house to be built. If he or she asks us to write a work order for installation that reflects a rebate then he or she would receive that rebate. If the homeowner requests the work order that entitle them to a rebate, then the homeowner would receive the rebate.
How do I go about getting my rebate check?
If the installation is done by Elk River and is being billed to you, then the invoice you receive will reflect the rebate applied to your invoice. If the appliance is installed by someone other than ERPUD, please call us for a free safety inspection.