New Service Guidelines

For standard residential and small commercial gas service.

Elk River Public Utility District Basic Guidelines 

ERPUD refers to the current edition of the International Fuel Gas Code and the manufacturer's instructions when performing safety inspections. 

Regulator vent location should maintain 3 feet minimum clearance from any potential ignition source, combustion air intake, vent pipe, foundation vent, active window, or crawl space door. 

Gas pipe penetrations through any masonry wall must be cased to protect piping from corrosion. 

Gas piping shall be installed under no strain or binding and supported by metallic strap and/or hangers. 

ERPUD requires a rough in (visual inspection) to be performed before any piping and/or vent is concealed. (You the customer will be responsible for notifying ERPUD for the completion of this inspection at no additional charge). 

Prior to connecting any appliances, customer's gas piping shall withstand an air pressure test performed by the installer of at least 40 psi for 20 minutes verified on site by an ERPUD representative.  
ERPUD recommends if you have any questions, please call us prior to the installation at (931) 455-9311 or Every effort will be made to meet specific customer requests. 
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